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Invisalign Issues & Emergencies

Invisalign emergency

Invisalign Emergencies And How To Address Them​​​

Lost And Broken Aligners If you lose or break an aligner, be sure to contact Music City Orthodontics as soon as possible. We will advise you on whether you need to order a replacement aligner, or if you can move on to the next set of aligners. In the meantime, you can wear the previous set of aligners to prevent your teeth from shifting back. If you do not have your previous aligner go ahead and skip to the next one to ensure your teeth do not relapse and move back.

Aligners Not Fitting Properly Sometimes, your aligners may feel loose or tight, or not fit snugly around your teeth. This can happen if your teeth are not moving as expected, or if your aligners are warped or distorted. If your aligners are not fitting properly, you should contact Music City Orthodontics and let us know about your issue . We will check your aligners and your teeth and make any necessary adjustments. You may need to wear your aligners longer or switch to a new set of aligners.

Pain In Teeth Or Gums From Aligners It is normal to feel some pain or discomfort in your teeth or gums when you first start wearing your aligners or after switching to a new set of aligners. This is because your teeth are adjusting to the pressure exerted by the aligners. This usually lasts for a few days and can be relieved by taking over-the-counter pain relievers, rinsing your mouth with warm salt water, or applying a cold compress to your face. You can also eat soft foods and avoid chewing on hard or sticky items. If the pain persists or becomes severe please call Music City Orthodontics.

Irritation Or Injury To The Mouth From Aligners Sometimes, your aligners may rub against the inside of your mouth and cause irritation or injury to your lips, cheeks, tongue, or gums. This can be painful and annoying, but it is not serious and will heal on its own. You can apply some topical anesthetic gel or cream to the affected area to numb the pain and speed up the healing process. You can also use orthodontic wax to cover the sharp edges of your aligners that are causing the irritation. Avoid spicy, acidic, or salty foods that can aggravate the sores. If the sores do not heal within a week or become infected, please contact Music City Orthodontics.

Food Or Debris Stuck In Aligners Food or debris can get trapped in between your aligners and your teeth, this can lead to plaque buildup, bad breath, and tooth decay. You can prevent this by brushing your teeth and flossing regularly, especially before putting your aligners back on. You can also rinse your aligners with water or clean them with a special Invisalign cleaning system or store bought denture cleaning tablets to remove any food or debris that is hard to reach. If you have a large piece of food or debris stuck in your aligners, you can try to gently dislodge it with a toothpick or a dental floss pick. Do not use any metal or sharp objects that can damage your aligners or injure your mouth.

Allergic Reaction to Aligners Although rare, some people may have an allergic reaction to the material used to make the aligners. This can cause symptoms such as itching, swelling, redness, or rash in the mouth or on the face. If you experience any signs of an allergic reaction, you should stop wearing your aligners and seek medical attention immediately. You should also inform Music City Orthodontics and we can switch to a different type of orthodontic treatment.

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